Monday, June 04, 2007

Television is the devil, but oh, how I love my stories. . .

So instead of watching the pile of work on my desk pile up, I decided to do some web surfing. There is a site for people who want to stop watching television. Intrigued by the idea of a television-less life, I read some more. People who actually live their lives instead of watching other people live their lives vicariously through fictional stories seem to do more things with their lives. They go hanggliding, they ride horses, they do things that you see people on the herpes commercials do.

However, they are isolated from their coworkers and popculture in general. They are adult version of homeschooled kids - really nice, and you wish that you had such a great education, but you only want to be them in theory. Television is a common link between most people.

Television was my second love, after books. I watched some truly awful shows that provided hours of vicarious living in middle school - The Young Riders and Baywatch being two specimens of awesomeness that I used to watch. I have cultivated my tastes now to include such gems as Strangers with Candy, The Office (because it is much funnier than my own office), 24 (again, much more interesting than my office), watch home improvement shows (but don't actually do any home improvement - so much easier to watch it and far more entertaining), The Colbert Report (so much more interesting than regular news) and of course any CW drama series on DVD - currently, Veronica Mars and Angel. I am perfectly happy curling up on my awesome couch (it really is great) and watching some television on my own or with my incredibly wonderful boyfriend (though anyone is welcome as long as you appreciate).

Sometimes the bf makes me go outside and walk. I like nature - nature is great. And DVDs & DVR make life so much easier - can watch television on my own schedule. So while I have decided not to make my goal in life getting so morbidly obese that I merge with my sofa (there is a nasty story about that in the paper at, I am never going to give up television.

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