So I had a meltdown last week regarding my brother, Eddie (aka The Donger). I have been having a hard time with him because he is beyond filthy. I think he took a dump on the floor of his bathroom (though he said it was the dog - I don't know). Anyway, I told him that I would feel much better if he would help me clean on my day off yesterday. After explaining that feces are bad and should not be anywhere outside of a toilet bowl the second before they are flushed, we hit a stride. First we bought a lot of ammonia and disinfectant. My instructions were: Go to the kitchen. Look to your left. Open cabinet under the sink and pull out toilet bowl cleaner with your right hand. Walk back to bathroom and find toilet bowl brush in cabinet. Close cabinet. . .um. . .people don't usually use their hand to clean the toilet, they use a brush. . . seriously, I would suggest a brush or at least a glove. . .okay, I'll just go over here now and pretend that I didn't just see that. . .
At least I am no longer living in degredation in squalor. Though my room is a pit of despair, at least there are no turds anywhere. There's always a bright side.

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