Monday, September 10, 2007

Sweaty and a bit slimmer. . .

Last week I weighed myself and guess who has lost 20 pounds? That would be me. I am trying to think about how much 20 pounds is, so I am questing for things that are 20 pounds. That's like 2 and a half gallons of milk, 16 cantaloupes or my little niece. I lost enough fat to cobble together a little human being. That's awesome. I keep picturing what a being made only of fat would look like. Probably a lot like Pizza the Hut from Spaceballs, I'm thinking.

Anyway, now I can fit into the jeans that started the whole debacle in the first place. I am psyched about that - until I test drove my bike and ripped the seams on the gears. But that's a whole other issue.

Still not able to eat meat because of the scary book. However, I skipped the chapter on fish, so at least I can still eat that. And while I am trying to minimize dairy and eggs (horrible stuff there too), I can't really give up the cheese. If you are thinking about becoming a vegetarian, I can give you a bunch of books to read that will totally make you rethink meat. And piss you off because, as citizens, we are considered second to any and all profits, regardless of whether or not the decisions are good for us. But I won't preach about them here; it's just mean and I don't want to become preachy and annoying.

I haven't exercised much in a structured way, but I try to walk whenever I can. And take the bus, so I have to walk a bit more (and to be more environmentally sensitive, though I don't know how waiting on the corner for a bus that never comes is helping anyone, but I digress - that's yet a whole other issue, too). I also have chosen to not use the elevator if I can possibly help it - which really tested my resolve last week. See, I got a job in another department at work and it's on the 7th floor. So instead of just walking up to 2, I have to walk up to 7 every time. So I am sweaty a lot. Like dripping sweat. All over my desk when I finally get there. I also walk up the stairs to my apartment (only on the 4th floor, but still) and then sweat there. I am just sweating all over.

Anyway, I just thought I would post about my progress for those who read this. I was excited. It all goes to my goal of losing 50 pounds by my next birthday (in July). So 30 more to go - I can definitely do that. Then I can go on a trip with my sister and hijinks will ensue.

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